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Polymer 2.0 文档笔记(4) Data System


  • Observers Callbacks invoked when data changes.
  • Computed properties Virtual properties computed based on other properties, and recomputed when the input data changes.
  • Data bindings Annotations that update the properties, attributes, or text content of a DOM node when data changes.



Observable Change

The data system is based on paths, not objects, where a path represents a property or subproperty relative to the host element.

Polymer的数据系统是基于数据的 路径 之上的。并不是实际的对象。


this.address.street = 'Elm Street'

Mutating objects and arrays observably


// 改变object
this.set('address.street','Half Moon Street') 
// 改变array
this.push('users',{name: 'Maturin'}) 
this.unshift('users',{name: 'Martin'})

// 批量更新
this.setProperties({item:'Orange', count:12},true) //setReadOnly:true 代表需要设置ready-only的属性
this.notifySplices('users') //only array

// 获得路径代表的属性值
var value = this.get('address.street') 
var item = this.get(['users',2])

Polymer performs dirty checking for objects and arrays using object equality. It doesn't produce any property effects if the value at the specified path hasn't changed.


  1. 使用Immutable之类的库,或者每次改变Object和Array里面的值的时候都先克隆出一个副本,在克隆的副本上修改然后把路径指向克隆副本。
  2. 使用mixin Polymer.MutableData可以禁止Polymer的对object和array的脏检查(dirty check)
  3. 使用mixin Polymer.OptionalMutableData可以在标签上添加一个bool属性mutable,代表是否对object或array开启脏检测

Data Paths

A data path is a series of path segments. In most cases, each path segment is a property name. The data APIs accept two kinds of paths: - A string, with path segments separated by dots. - An array of strings, where each array element is either a path segment or a dotted path.


["one", "two", "three"]
["one.two", "three"]


Polymer doesn't automatically know that these properties refer to the same object.<address-card> makes a change to the object, no property effects are invoked on <user-profile> For data changes to flow from one element to another, the elements must be connected with a data binding.


Linking paths with data bindings

data binding is the only way to link paths on different elements

<dom-module id="user-profile">
链接两个路径之后的示意图: data-binding

The <user-profile> element has a property primaryAddress that refers to a JavaScript object. The <address-card> element has a property address that refers to the same object. The data binding connects the path "primaryAddress" on <user-profile> to the path "address" on <address-card>

Data binding scope

Paths are relative to the current data binding scope. The topmost scope for any element is the element's properties. Certain data binding helper elements (like template repeaters) introduce new, nested scopes. For observers and computed properties, the scope is always the element's properties.

  1. 上面所说的路径都是相对于当前数据绑定(data-binding scope)定的。
  2. 最外层的域就是当前元素的本身(this),但一些数据绑定辅助元素(比如: template repeaters)可以创建新的子域。
  3. 观察函数(observers)和计算属性computed properties的域永远都是当前元素本身(this)

Special paths

  1. 通配路径(Wildcard paths)-可以使用通配符*来表示当前路径下的所有子路径的任何变化。比如users指向一个数组,users.*代表该数组的所有变化
  2. splices- 可以用在数组路径后面,代表数组任何添加、删除的变化
  3. 数组路径后面接下标代表数组里面对应的项,比如users.12


  1. 通配符只能用在observers、computed properties里面的路径中,不能用在数据绑定里
  2. 观察splices路径时,事件参数中只提供当前数组发生变化的元素组成的子数组,所以在一般情况下通配符路径比splices路径要实用

Two paths referencing the same object

如果两条路径都指向同一个对象,如下图,需要使用linkPaths方法将它们关联起来。 two-paths 注意:

  1. 两条路径必须在同一个data scope下
  2. 如果需要接触两条路径的关联,使用unlinkPaths, 该函数只接受linkPaths调用时的第一条路径

Data flow

Polymer implements the mediator pattern, where a host element manages data flow between itself and its local DOM nodes. When two elements are connected with a data binding, data changes can flow downward, from host to target, upward, from target to host, or both ways. When two elements in the local DOM are bound to the same property data appears to flow from one element to the other, but this flow is mediated by the host. A change made by one element propagates up to the host, then the host propagates the change down to the second element.


Data flow is synchronous. When your code makes an observable change, all of the data flow and property effects from that change occur before the next line of your JavaScript is executed, unless an element explicitly defers action (for example, by calling an asynchronous method).


How data flow is controlled


数据绑定主要有两种方式: - Automatic :双向绑定,包括向上(upward,target to host)和向下( to target),使用 \{\{ \}\}

<my-input value="{{name}}"></my-input>

  • One-way :单向绑定,仅向下( to target),使用[[ ]]
    <name-tag name="[[name]]"></name-tag>
  • notify 允许数据向上(upward,target to host)传递,默认为false
  • readOnly 禁止数据向下( to target)传递到当前组件,默认false


properties: {
  // default prop, read/write, non-notifying.
  basicProp: {
  // read/write, notifying
  notifyingProp: {
    notify: true
  // read-only, notifying
  fancyProp: {
    readOnly: true,
    notify: true
注意: 1. 当使用单向绑定的时候,notify配置项无效。 2. 当单向绑定且readOnly:true时,将没有任何数据流

Property configuration only affects the property itself, not subproperties. In particular, binding a property that's an object or array creates shared data between the host and target element. There's no way to prevent either element from mutating a shared object or array.


Data flow examples

参考:Data flow examples

Upward and downward data flow

Since the host element manages data flow, it can directly interact with the target element. The host propagates data downward by setting the target element’s properties or invoking its methods.


An element, host-element connected to an element, target-element by an arrow labeled 1.

Polymer elements use events to propagate data upward. The target element fires a non-bubbling event when an observable change occurs.



An element, target-element connected to an element, host-element by an arrow labeled 1. An arrow labeled 2 connects from the host element back to itself.

Data flow for objects and arrays

For object and array properties, data flow is a little more complicated. An object or array can be referenced by multiple elements, and there's no way to prevent one element from mutating a shared array or changing a subproperty of an object. As a result, Polymer treats the contents of arrays and objects as always being available for two- way binding. That is:

  • Data updates always flow downwards, even if the target property is marked read-only.
  • Change events for upward data flow are always fired, even if the target property is not marked as notifying.

Since one-way binding annotations don't create an event listener, they prevent these change notifications from being propagated to the host element.


Change notification events

当一个元素某路径比如property发生变化,则会响应的触发一个property-changed的通知事件。 事件内容根据路径类型相关:

  1. 属性变化: 新值将储存detail.value
  2. 子属性变化:子属性的路径将会储存在detail.path中,新值将会储存在detail.value中。
  3. 数组变化:变化路径将会储存在detail.path中(比如: myArray.splices),新值将会被储存在detail.value中。

Don't stop propagation on change notification events. To avoid creating and discarding event objects, Polymer uses cached event objects for change notifications. Calling stopPropagation on a change notification event prevents all future events for that property. Change notification events don't bubble, so there should be no reason to stop propagation.

注意: 不要在通知事件里面使用stopPropagation

Custom change notification events


<input value="{{firstName::change}}">

In this example, the firstName property is bound to the input's value property. Whenever the input element fires its change event, Polymer updates the firstName property to match the input value, and invokes any associated property effects. The contents of the event aren't important.

This technique is especially useful for native input elements, but can be used to provide two-way binding for any non-Polymer component that exposes a property and fires an event when the property changes.

Property effects


  1. 重写计算受到影响的属性的值 - 此步将会更新计算属性(computed properties)
  2. 更新数据绑定
  3. 更新host元素上面的html属性
  4. 执行观察事件observers
  5. 触发变化通知事件
