package fibonacciHeap
const MinInt = -int(^uint(0)>>1) - 1
type Vertex struct {
value int
parent *Vertex
child *Vertex
left *Vertex
right *Vertex
mark bool
degree int
type FibonacciHeap struct {
min *Vertex
size int
// Insert inserts a node into heap with value v
func (F *FibonacciHeap) Insert(value int) *Vertex {
v := &Vertex{value: value}
if F.min == nil {
F.min = v
} else {
F.insertToList(F.min, v)
if F.min.value > v.value {
F.min = v
return v
func (F *FibonacciHeap) Empty() bool {
return F.min == nil
func (F *FibonacciHeap) Minmum() *Vertex {
return F.min
func (F *FibonacciHeap) ExtractMin() *Vertex {
z := F.min
if z == nil {
return nil
for z.child != nil {
v := F.extractVertex(z.child)
F.insertToList(F.min, v)
if z == z.right { //the heap only contains one node
F.min = nil
} else {
F.min = z.right
z = F.extractVertex(z)
return z
func (F *FibonacciHeap) Merge(Other *FibonacciHeap) {
if F.min == nil { // if current heap is empty
F.min = Other.min
} else if Other.min != nil {
// cut two circle and rearrange them
F.min.right.left = Other.min.left
Other.min.left.right = F.min.right //reverse
F.min.right = Other.min
Other.min.left = F.min //reverse
if F.min.value > Other.min.value {
F.min = Other.min
Other.min = nil
func (F *FibonacciHeap) DecreaseKey(v *Vertex, value int) bool {
if v.value < value {
return false // do not increase
if v.value == value {
return true
v.value = value
parent := v.parent
if parent != nil && v.value < parent.value {
v = F.extractVertex(v)
F.insertToList(F.min, v)
if v.value < F.min.value {
F.min = v
return true
func (F *FibonacciHeap) IncreaseKey(v *Vertex, value int) bool {
if v.value > value {
return false
if v.value == value {
return true
for v.child != nil {
F.insertToList(F.min, F.extractVertex(v.child))
v.value = value
parent := v.parent
if parent != nil {
F.insertToList(F.min, F.extractVertex(v))
} else if F.min == v {
for cur := v.right; cur != v; cur = cur.right {
if v.value > cur.value {
F.min = cur
return true
func (F *FibonacciHeap) Modify(v *Vertex, value int) {
switch {
case v.value < value:
F.IncreaseKey(v, value)
case v.value > value:
F.DecreaseKey(v, value)
func (F *FibonacciHeap) DeleteVertex(v *Vertex) {
F.DecreaseKey(v, MinInt)
// insertToList inserts v after pos
func (F *FibonacciHeap) insertToList(pos *Vertex, v *Vertex) {
if pos == nil {
pos.right.left = v
v.right = pos.right
pos.right = v
v.left = pos
v.parent = pos.parent
if pos.parent != nil {
func (F *FibonacciHeap) extractVertex(v *Vertex) *Vertex {
if v == nil {
return nil
if v.parent != nil {
if v.right != v {
v.parent.child = v.right
} else {
v.parent.child = nil
v.parent = nil
if v.left != v {
v.left.right = v.right
v.right.left = v.left
v.left = v
v.right = v
v.mark = false
return v
func (F *FibonacciHeap) cascadingCut(v *Vertex) {
parent := v.parent
if parent == nil {
if v.mark == false {
v.mark = true
} else {
// when the parent have lost a child
F.insertToList(F.min, v)
func (F *FibonacciHeap) consolidate() {
if F.min == nil {
v := F.min
degree := v.degree
// a record table to help merging vertices with the same degree
table := make([]*Vertex, degree+1)
for {
if len(table) <= degree {
// extend table size
table = append(table, make([]*Vertex, degree-len(table)+1)...)
if table[degree] == v {
if table[degree] == nil {
//currently ,there is no vertices having the same degree of v
table[degree] = v
v = v.right
} else {
// make sure v is the minimal vertex
if table[degree].value < v.value {
table[degree], v = v, table[degree]
// merge table[degree] to v as his child
// make v become root
table[degree] = F.extractVertex(table[degree])
if v.child == nil {
v.child = table[degree]
table[degree].parent = v
} else {
//v.degree has been increased in this function
F.insertToList(v.child, table[degree])
table[degree] = nil
degree = v.degree
// find the min
F.min = nil
for _, v := range table {
if v == nil {
if F.min == nil {
F.min = v
} else if v.value < F.min.value {
F.min = v
参考 - https://www.roading.org/algorithm/introductiontoalgorithm/斐波那契堆fibonacci-heaps.html - http://www.cnblogs.com/skywang12345/p/3659060.html